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Ars Poetica

Liza Ackman

Strict lines have turned to nothing but soot and debris 
Growing up I was taught there would be double solid yellow lines
Framing the antiquity of virtue
Yet when people are treated by nothing more than a means to the end
I am surrounded by broken yellow 
   and dotted white lines


Beastily destroying any level of morality
Nowhere safe:
   Holy Places 
   Trader Joe’s–


There is no longer any place where 
You can guarantee that a bullet
Won't penetrate
Monogram your body
Until No more 
But was there ever?
Ever any sanity with the human race?


Ars Poetica
How are we ever supposed to write the rules of verse
And feign unrealistic rhymes
When a 20 year old man can stroll 
   Into an elementary school
       And rob twenty first graders of any future


And when the rules are able to be 
manipulated by any form of being 
Regardless the stature or psyche


Sure we no longer 
Sit around the amphitheater and watch 
As beings slay their equals
   While the crowd goes wild
Instead we go to concerts in Vegas or Manchester
   Anticipation of a great time 
But instead–
   The ground six feet under gets even more crowded.

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